Selasa, April 15, 2008

central park

Dear Alloh thanks for this day
lately, we always goin fun to central park (bahasa kerennya aloon aloon kota) hehe.. Photobucketnadia loves psycal activity run, jump, and layin on the green grass. biasanya at 4 pm, hawanya enak gak panas.
Btw, 21 april the day of my practical test for driving license. Its so anoyin, murah tapi ribet, cape. Sebenernya napa juga ujiannya mesti nyetir zigzag,Photobucket bukannya di jalan malah ga bole nyetir zigzag ???Photobucket tapi lucu juga liat nadia mau bersabar nungguin emaknya latihan nyetir (baca: nyetir motor) PhotobucketHope, I pass the test